Proper Breathing Brings Better Health
Stress reduction, insomnia prevention, emotion control, improved attention—certain breathing techniques can make life better. But where do you start?
Optimize your time stuck at home with these strategies
Proper Breathing Brings Better Health
Stress reduction, insomnia prevention, emotion control, improved attention—certain breathing techniques can make life better. But where do you start?
The Self-Compassion Solution
Building on a Buddhist principle, psychologists are learning how being kind to yourself can bolster resilience, buffer against stress and improve relationships
The Science of Working Smarter and Happier
Decades of study demonstrate that being productive and happy on the job go hand in hand
Maximize Happiness by Planning Your Time Wisely
Trying to be happier backfires, but consistently planning activities you enjoy may work
Control Your Feelings in 5 Stages
Learning to regulate powerful emotions can enhance physical and mental well-being
Why Your Brain Needs More Downtime
Research on naps, meditation, nature walks and the habits of exceptional artists and athletes reveals how mental breaks increase productivity, replenish attention, solidify memories and encourage creativity
Mindfulness Can Improve Your Attention and Health
A focus on the present, dubbed “mindfulness,” can make you happier and healthier. Training to deepen your immersion in the moment works by improving attention
Fight the Frazzled Mind: Proactive Steps Manage Stress
A new study suggests that preventive, proactive approaches are the most helpful--and that our stress management IQ is painfully low
Why We Worry
Chronic worrying stems from a craving for control. But the more we fret, the less our bodies are able to cope with stress