Beauty: K2 to Deal, with Abscesses and Bullets
This post is part of a collaborative narrative series composed of my writing and Chris Arnade’s photos exploring issues of addiction, poverty, prostitution and urban anthropology in Hunts Point, Bronx.
Beauty: K2 to Deal, with Abscesses and Bullets
This post is part of a collaborative narrative series composed of my writing and Chris Arnade’s photos exploring issues of addiction, poverty, prostitution and urban anthropology in Hunts Point, Bronx.
An Ingredient of Pot May Help People with Epilepsy
A new marijuana-derived drug may treat epileptic children, without the high
Read all the stories you want.
Medical Marijuana: How the Evidence Stacks Up
For many conditions, marijuana's effectiveness remains uncertain
The Potential of LSD, Heroin, Marijuana and Other Controlled Substances in Brain Research
Imagine being an astronomer in a world where the telescope was banned. This effectively happened in the 1600s when, for over 100 years, the Catholic Church prohibited access to knowledge of the heavens in a vain attempt to stop scientists proving that the earth was not the center of the universe. ‘Surely similar censorship could [...]
Creativity, Madness and Drugs
San Diego—Would we have Poe’s Raven today if the tormented author had taken lithium to suppress his bipolar illness? Not likely, considering the high frequency of psychiatric illnesses among writers and artists, concluded psychiatrist Kay Jamison of Johns Hopkins Medical School speaking last week at the Society for Neuroscience annual meeting in San Diego.
Romantic Comedy Goes Like This
This post is part of a collaborative narrative series composed of my writing and Chris Arnade’s photos exploring issues of addiction, poverty, prostitution and urban anthropology in Hunts Point, Bronx.