Pig Kidney Transplanted into Living Human for First Time
Doctors have transplanted a genetically modified pig kidney into a living human patient for the first time ever
Pig Kidney Transplanted into Living Human for First Time
Doctors have transplanted a genetically modified pig kidney into a living human patient for the first time ever
How Humans Lost Their Tails
A newly discovered genetic mechanism helped eliminate the tails of human ancestors
Read all the stories you want.
Sometimes We Can Have Nice Things: Our 10 Favorite Feel-Good Stories of 2023
Here’s the best, most inspiring and coolest science we encountered this year
FDA Approves First CRISPR Gene Editing Treatment for Sickle Cell Disease
Most people with sickle cell disease who received a new gene editing treatment saw their pain resolve for at least one year, but longer follow up is needed
U.K. Becomes First Country to Approve a CRISPR Disease Treatment
A newly approved CRISPR therapy could transform the treatment of sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia—but the technology is expensive
World’s Deadliest Mushroom May Now Have an Antidote
A CRISPR gene-editing technique might have finally cracked the mystery of how death cap mushrooms kill and revealed a possible antidote
Tweaking Vegetables’ Genes Could Make Them Tastier—And You’ll Get to Try Them Soon
Flavor is a tricky target, but technology and powerful genetic techniques are making it more feasible to improve the taste of vegetables
In First, Scientists Use CRISPR for Personalized Cancer Treatment
The “most complicated therapy ever” tailors bespoke, genome-edited immune cells to attack tumors
One of the Biggest Problems in Biology Has Finally Been Solved
Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis explains how its AlphaFold AI program predicted the 3-D structure of every known protein
Inside the Ant Lab: Mutants and Social Genes
Social insects such as ants and bees often have complex societies, but understanding the genetics behind their social interactions can be difficult due to their complex lifecycles. This lab in New York hopes to investigate the genetics of ant social behavior by focusing on an unusual species: the clonal raider ant.
This video was reproduced with permission and was first published on February 14, 2019. It is a Nature Video production.
Three CRISPR Scientists Win Prestigious Award, Fanning Controversy Over Credit
The tangled history over the genome-editing tool has played out in court and scientific circles
Crispr Cas9 HD final
Using the CRISPR–Cas9 system, scientists can do much more than gene editing—they can boost gene transcription or use fluorescent proteins to paint and track a chromosome. In this Nature Video animation, several innovative uses for CRISPR are outlined and explained.
This video was reproduced with permission and was first published on October 31, 2017. It is a Nature Video production.