How to Fix Health Data for People with Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage
Separating medical data from culturally distinct Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) groups can improve health outcomes
Jyoti Madhusoodanan is a health and science journalist based in Portland, Ore. She has a Ph.D. in microbiology.
How to Fix Health Data for People with Asian and Pacific Islander Heritage
Separating medical data from culturally distinct Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) groups can improve health outcomes
These Cancers Were Beyond Treatment—But Might Not Be Anymore
New drugs called antibody-drug conjugates help patients with cancers that used to be beyond treatment
Fixing Air Pollution Could Dramatically Improve Health Disparities
The most marginalized people are breathing the most polluted air, and improving it could improve health equity worldwide
Discrimination May Hasten Menopause in Black and Hispanic Women
Researchers say understanding differences in when menopause starts in racial and ethnic groups can help with screening and preventive care
Discrimination Is Breaking People’s Hearts
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Self-Assembling Nanococcoons Mimic Natural Viruses
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Depressed Mice Have Excitable Neurons
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MRSA Spreads in Households
Drug-resistant bacteria have found refuge in residences in parts of New York City
Stress Alters Children's Genomes
Poverty and unstable family environments shorten chromosome-protecting telomeres in nine-year-olds
Self-Controlled Crows Ace the Marshmallow Test
Are four treats better than two? Not if you're a crow picking a favorite snack. Crows and ravens hold off on gobbling a tidbit when they can see a better one coming after a short wait.
Nocturnal Animals Take Chances on Moonlit Dinners
Small animals are more active under the full moon when large hunters strangely tend to lie low